Tag Archives: making decisions

How can I put numbers to my plan

How can I put numbers to my plan Once you have a business plan in writing, what’s next? how do you turn words on a page into success for your company? With numbers! Don’t let the math bring you down. By breaking up the numbers portion into sizeable bites, you’ll be able to identify exactly […]

How your “why” affects your planning

How your “why” affects your planning How? When you hear “business plan”, you might imagine stacks of paperwork followed by an overwhelming feeling deep in your gut. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Our firm helps small businesses come up with a plan that fits on just one, single piece of paper. Simple, […]

How your “why” affects your decisions

How your “why” affects your decisions Knowing the “why” behind your business can help you see clearly when making decisions. When you’ve identified why you do what you do, allotting time & funds to various services and tasks will become easier as your priorities will be in mind.